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5 Ways To Worry Less

5 Fast & Proven Ways to Help You Stop Worrying

You know you should stop worrying so much, but you can't seem to do so. In a lot of cases, you worry about things that are outside of your control. This simply makes the situation worse, which leads to stress and anxiety, giving you more reasons to worry… It’s a “Negative Domino Effect” If you would like to avoid the many health dangers that excessive worry can lead to, practice the following 5 worry-free techniques.

1a – Keep a Worry Journal
Start recording everything you worry about. Also track whether your worrying had any impact on the problem. What you will find is that worry, in and of itself, produces no positive results. You may also find that much of your day is spent worrying, and this revelation should be enough to tell you that you are wasting your time fretting over things that you should not be concerned about - once this happens, forget your Worry Journal, and focus on 1b instead...

...1b – Keep a Gratitude Journal
When you express or feel gratitude, you’re acknowledging that there is good in your life, in you, in the world and all around you. This changes how you feel inside… it helps assuage you - reducing feelings such as worry & anxiety… and creates a “Positive Domino Effect
Download & Print out your very own Gratitude Journal - it is FREE, my gift to you.
Here is where you can find it: “My Gratitude Journal” 
Check out the "movie" trailer here: "My Gratitude Journal video

2 – Forget About the Fear of Missing Out
FOMO is a real thing. That is the acronym (not my original) for the fear of missing out on some event, activity or experience. A single human being cannot be everywhere at once. You cannot attend every social function, or enjoy every possible experience that you would like to. The next time you begin to worry about not being present for some event, party or experience, calm your fears, and remind yourself you can't be everywhere and do everything.

3 – Change Your Diet
A healthy body and mind promote less stress and anxiety. A deficiency in B vitamins such as B12 and folic acid can cause a depressed, anxious response in some people. Eating a lot of processed foods, which many people do these days, means your body is missing out on many of the minerals, vitamins and chemicals it needs to stay healthy. This can trigger an anxious response in your brain, which is its way of telling you it is not receiving the nutritional goodness it needs.

4 – Put Your Nose to Work
Aromatherapy is a billion dollar business around the world for a very important reason – certain aromas deliver certain responses by your brain. This leads to feelings of anxiety or peace, stress or calm, depending on what you are smelling. The smell of a grapefruit, and other citrus aromas, refreshes and revitalises you, boosting your feeling of happiness and level of energy.

5 – Get Moving
Any form of physical movement or exercise causes something wonderful to happen. Your brain rewards this positive behaviour by releasing feel-good hormones and chemicals. This is why exercise actually changes your mood, and makes you feel better about your life and the world around you. Get up out of your chair and get moving and you will instantly become worried and anxious about fewer things in your life….
...You will create a “Positive Domino Effect

Be my guest, download & print your very own Gratitude Journal - It’s my gift to you.
Here’s your link: “Free Gratitude Journal

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Hugs,Health & Happiness,

Vicki ❀